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"Then Simon Peter drew his sword and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his right ear. The servant's name was Malchus" (John 18:10)

It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.

A lot of people are the enemies of themselves, Peter was again putting his actions into play before thinking of the consequences. Peter was a fisherman, not a soldier. Jesus once again calms the situation for His hot-headed friend Peter. Jesus did not praise Peter for what he did; He told him to stop. This was to protect Peter as much as to protect those who came to arrest Jesus.

Should you? Can you? Do you dare? Overcoming the past takes faith… and something more. Courage—that’s what it takes to shed the problems and mistakes of the past and to dream again. When shame and darkness hide all glimpses of the future… when relinquishing the past means an uncertain tomorrow… when you’re at the end of yourself and about to give up.. . you can find refuge in the shadow of Jesus. Listen as he gently whispers, “It’s all right, my child. . . I will help you. I will never leave you.” Together with him, you will find the courage to dream again.

Sometimes your shame is private. Pushed over the edge by an abusive spouse. Molested by a perverted parent. Seduced by a compromising superior. No one else knows. But you know. And that’s enough. Sometimes it’s public. Branded by a divorce you didn’t want. Contaminated by a disease you never expected. Marked by a handicap you didn’t create. And whether it’s actually in their eyes or just in your imagination, you have to deal with it — you are marked: a divorcee, an invalid, an orphan, an AIDS patient.

Whether private or public, shame is always painful. And unless you deal with it, it is permanent. Unless you get help—the dawn will never come.

Sometime the shame is just there that we can no longer hide it. ‘When she goes to the market, women will whisper. When she passes, heads will turn. When her name is mentioned, the people will remember.

Is your past still creeping into your present to ruin  your future?

Is your marriage getting worse?

Are you struggling with life or you can't but just want to give up?

If you have ever wondered how God reacts when you fail, Imagine how Jesus stood in gap for petter and read his lips. in John 18:11, So Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword into the sheath. Shall I not drink the cup which My Father has given Me?”

Have you ever find yourself in a situation that you don't know what to do? Invite Christ to journey with you. Let him stand beside you as you retell the events of the darkest nights of your soul.

And then listen. Listen carefully. He’s speaking.

“I don’t judge you guilty.”

And watch. Watch carefully. He’s writing. He’s leaving a message. Not in the sand, but on a cross. Not with his hand, but with his blood.

His message has two words: Not guilty.

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