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God’s gift to humanity

By: Oluwatunbi Stephen Akindayomi
From: If Not for God "devotional"

Bible Text: Jesus answered them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent.” Luke 5:31-32

Maybe you’re trying to rebuild an estranged relationship. Maybe you’ve been trying to find God for longer than you can remember. There was something about this Nazarene preacher that made people gather around him like he was God’s gift to humanity.

He is your gift as well.

Some people think they will come to Jesus for a little bit of cosmetic surgery.

They don’t think they are sick but they think they could use a little improvement.

Jesus, the Great Physician, only admits patients who see themselves are truly sick and in need of a doctor.

In our text today, Jesus answer shows us what kinds of people are really willing to come to Him as Saviour - those who recognise their own need for salvation.

Prayer: O Lord, turn my mourning to dancing and my tears to joy in Jesus name.

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